“Coffin Dodgers” was a mobile game developed primarily for the Android platform, with consideration towards Windows Phone. The game is a “Wario-ware” style game with multiple gameplay mechanics that keep the player on edge.
The general premise of the game is “A typical day in the life of a pensioner”. However, it uses exaggerated characters and a cartoon art-style to allow the game to use far more ridiculous scenarios than what an actual pensioner would have.
Reason For Cancellation:
Unorganised development, time scheduling issues, general lack of interest from team members, and a lack of gameplay ideas within the design document.
Development Dates:
Began April 2012, was estimated to finish Early 2014.
Involved People:
- Adam Connor Lutton
- Philip Jones
- Eduard Brown
- Michael Bower
- Hallam Storey
- Android Devices
- Windows Phone
- Windows PC
- Linux (Possibly)
Project Type:
Mobile/Casual Game
Project Status:
Cancelled within late-design stages/pre-production. Looking to sell idea to any interested parties.