Frozen, Camel, Leaves
Those were our words this time around as we descended back into the depths of game jamming.
This time around I was a lot more prepared thanks to the game templates I had previously made. So during the design phase, when the idea was pitched, I could easily jump into Unity and have something playable within a few moments.
Alex & I were joined by an extra this time around. A music student from the Uni named Jordan. He did some pretty good work, taking over the sound and music production for us.
But on to the game. Called “Keep Warm”.
We went for a similar game to ill-fated The Feathered Stalker game that we did for Global Game Jam earlier in the year. The player gathers up items around an environment. This time though, players can now use items together in order to make progress.

For example, the player can find a lighter and use it with a pile of leaves in order to get an ending where they start a fire. I mentioned the Flash game “Don’t Shit Your Pants” when we were figuring out the gameplay aspects. The player’s actions leading to different endings being the point of contention.
The finished game has 2 ways of dying, and 2 ways of surviving. See if you can get them all.
If we had more time or wanted to expand on this idea I’d probably focus on more interactivity and tools. As well as more ways to die, both serious and silly.

Overall, the event went well. Game got finished, and I actually got to go sleep before day break. I’d call that a win overall.
If you want to play the game, here’s the link:
Other than that, I’m working on the year-end Den post and fooling around with Mirror networking in Unity. We’ll see how well those go.